Imprint & Legal

Dezernat Zukunft e.V. is recognized as a tax-exempt non-profit organization under tax number 27/663/64938.

Information according to § 5 TMG:
Dezernat Zukunft e.V.
Chausseestraße 111
10115 Berlin

Dezernat Zukunft e.V.
Register of associations of the district court Charlottenburg
Association register number 36980 B
Represented by: Dr. Maximilian Krahé, Chairman

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Dr. Maximilian Krahé
c/o Dezernat Zukunft
Chausseestraße 111
10115 Berlin

Email contact at:

This website with all components and the corporate design are designed by Juliane Wernhard
& Burak Korkmaz.