- Research fields: Monetary policy implementation, central bank risk management, banking supervision, climate and environment-related financial risk, the history of the EMU, and democratic and constitutional theory of central banking.
- Academic publications: “New Strategy, New Accountability: The ECB and the European Parliament After the Strategy Review”. Common Market Law Review (2023); “The Politics of the ECB’s Market-Based Approach to Government Debt”. Socio-Economic Review (2023); “The Myth of Market Neutrality: A Comparative Study of the ECB’s and the SNB’s Corporate Security Purchases”. New Political Economy (2019).
- Professional experience: Jens has extensive experience writing policy reports, most recently as a visiting fellow at LSE’s Centre for Economic Transition Expertise (CETEx). In a 2020 report, he puts forward a policy proposal for greening central bank credit operations (“green TLTROs”). This proposal was also the topic of a recent LSE’s GRI report. Jens has also published on the ECB’s mandate, in particular its neglected secondary mandate as well as on EP accountability practices.