- Research fields: monetary economics, central banks, banking and financial crises, public debt, international monetary system, economic history.
- Academic publications: “Do Disinflation Policies Ravage Central Bank Finances?”. Economic Policy (forthcoming); “Balance of Power: Central Banks and the Fate of Democracies”. University of Chicago Press (2024); “A dilemma between liquidity regulation and monetary policy: some history and theory”. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2023).
- Professional experience: Eric served as a Senior economist at the Banque de France, focusing on macroeconomic forecasting and European affairs (2013-2019). He has held positions as a Bruegel fellow, a CEPR research affiliate, and a CEPII scientific advisor. His notable reports include “What else can the European Central bank do?“ for the French Council of Economic Advisors (2021), “Using green credit policy to bring down inflation: What central bankers can learn from history” for the Grantham Institute at LSE (2023) and the INSPIRE’s “Sustainable Central Banking Toolbox” (2023).