
01. March. 2025 - 31. May. 2025


All Day

Ideas of Energy – Energy and Prices

with Brett Christophers, Professor of Human Geography (Uppsala Universitet) and autor of The Price is wrong – Why Capitalism won’t save the Planet

Anmeldung: to be announced

Beschreibung: By its very nature, energy is at once a security and an economic issue. The discovery and development of new energy sources have therefore always been important redistributive events in national and global history. In other words, the current energy transition form hydrocarbons to renewables is not only a technical matter, but has far-reaching political implications, ranging from the domestic redistribution of wealth to issues of international war and peace. Together with eminent economic thinkers and a community of polical decision-makers, academics and journalists, we want to explore what ideas we have about energy and its role in current domestic and foreign policy, what’s at stake, who wins and loses, where history can serve as a point of reference, and where we find ourselves in unchartered territory.

All 90-minute discussions will take place in English. ‘Ideas of Energy’ is a joint event series by the Freigeist Research Group ‘Geopolitics in the Age of Offshore Finance’ at Freie Universität Berlin, the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) and Dezernat Zukunft.

Big Challenges, Deep Thinking: About ‘Ideas of …’
Democratic politics are in a serious predicament. The challenges – inequality, climate change and a protrected war in Germany’s vicinty – are big. The related political decisions (or indecisiveness) have implications far beyond the electoral cycle and Germany’s borders. Yet many choices are – and must be – made in the heat of the moment, in reaction to sudden turns of events, political opportunities or the news cycle. ‘Ideas of …’ is a talk series that creates a counter point. It offers a space for participants and decision-makers to understand, discuss and question the ideas we hold – often unwittingly – about key economic phenomena. Together with renowned thinkers, we want to separate the knee-jerk reactions from substantial contributions, go off script, and develop ideas for how we can move forward, today and in long term.

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