Philippa Sigl-Glöckner

Philippa Sigl-Glöckner is the founder of the Dezernat Zukunft. She primarily deals with fiscal and monetary policy issues. Previously, Philippa worked at the Federal Ministry of Finance, among others. Philippa holds a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University and an MSc in Computer Science from Imperial College, London. Philippa is currently running for the Bundestag seat in the north of Munich and is on leave.

Philippa Sigl-Glöckner

Philippa Sigl-Glöckner is the founder of the Dezernat Zukunft. She primarily deals with fiscal and monetary policy issues. Previously, Philippa worked at the Federal Ministry of Finance, among others. Philippa holds a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University and an MSc in Computer Science from Imperial College, London. Philippa is currently running for the Bundestag seat in the north of Munich and is on leave.

Further publications

A. Essays and reviews

"Visualising Financial Systems", Master Thesis, Imperial College London, 2018.

B. Press and other

"Wie wir Finanzpolitik sozial gerechter gestalten können", Interview, Vorwärts, 11.07.2023.

"In frühkindliche Bildung zu investieren hat die Rendite eines Hedgefonds", Interview, Materialist, 24.02.2023.

"Mehr Schulden - dringend nötig oder gefährlich?“, Interview, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 01.06.2022.

"Wie wir aus der Inflation herauswachsen können“ with Enzo Weber, Die Zeit, 24.05.2022.

"Heizt der Staat die Inflation an?“, Interview, Die Zeit, 12.01.2022.

"Genug gebremst, raus mit der Kohle!“, Interview, Der Spiegel, 12.11.2021.

"Die volkswirtschaftliche Wurstfabrik hinter der Schuldenbremse”, with Max Krahé and Florian Schuster, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 18.9.2021.

"Wenn Frauen mehr arbeiten, ist das gut für alle“ with Florian Schuster, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 25.08.2021.

"Warum unsere Schuldenbremse von gestern ist“, WirtschaftsWoche, 07.08.2021.