Neutral policies are not fair policies

The pandemic has highlighted and exacerbated a number of inequities that require urgent addressing, both in the post-COVID recovery packages and, most importantly, in the structural changes that come after Corona.

Resilient Global Finance

Since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, the world economy has been organized around the US dollar. The adverse domestic and international effects of this monetary system include global financial instability, cycles of global leveraging, destabilizing trade imbalances, and elite capture. As the provider of a national currency that is also the international reserve currency, the US faces a … Read More

Valorising Work, Democratising Corporations

The crisis has shown the enormous importance of human labour — in the care sector, in the provision with food, in testing-and-tracing, etc. — for maintaining our societies. But on a structural level, many of the workers in these sectors, who are disproportionately female and/or come from ethnic minorities, suffer from low pay and insecure working conditions. The appreciation for … Read More

Universal Basic Services

The Corona crisis has shown the vulnerabilities of market-coordinated, highly differentiated societies: brittle child care arrangements, limited community health capacities, sub-par elderly care, among others. Moreover, it has demonstrated that these vulnerabilities, while to a certain extent shared and universal, fall most heavily on the shoulders of the disadvantaged, and can vary greatly by region. One approach to address these … Read More

Onshoring Essential Industries

During the COVID-19 medical crisis, dependency on imports compounded supply shortages of essential goods like medical equipment, masks, and pharmaceuticals which threatened lives. The web of extended supply chains built up through offshoring and globalization in recent decades proved brittle in the face of a shock. To reduce this vulnerability, key industries could be deliberately onshored after Corona. This could … Read More

Fair and Effective Wealth Taxation

As societies exit from COVID and the associated economic crisis, two wealth-related problems are likely to emerge. First, high debt may divert public spending into debt servicing costs, away from other and more pressing priorities. This is a one-off problem, the solution to which could involve a one-off levy on net-wealth to lower public sector debt to pre-crisis levels. Comparable … Read More

Reducing Leverage

The Corona-induced market sell-off in March 2020 reinforced an old lesson: high leverage, and in particular high debt-to-equity ratios, makes for brittle balance sheets. This had become clear in 2008, too, but post-crisis deleveraging measures concentrated on banks, leaving corporate leverage to increase over the last decade. To increase economy-wide financial resilience, not just banks but all economic agents could … Read More

Sustainability and Prosperity Pact

The EU treaties’ fiscal rules focus narrowly on avoiding excessive deficits. These regulations reflect a widely-held but flawed view of economic sustainability, which ignores the growth side of debt sustainability, the social and environmental preconditions of stable and longer-term economic prosperity, and the feedback loops from fiscal policy to an economy’s potential output. As a result, this framework enforces austerity … Read More

Update National Accounting

National accounting systems are the backbone of economic policy making. They express collective value judgements and guide political decision-making. Existing, GDP-based systems were already seen as questionable prior to COVID. Corona has conclusively shown their inadequacy. Besides their blindness to sustainability concerns, they conceal highly variable degrees of economic insecurity and resilience of (i) households, (ii) in essential sectors like … Read More

Restoring the Tax Base

Through profit shifting, tax evasion, and tax avoidance, corporations and high-net-worth individuals conceal significant parts of their income and wealth. This impairs the tax base and inhibits the capacity of states to levy fair and effective taxes. Though recognised before COVID, this problem has become more urgent in the context of the pandemic. When public health requires shared sacrifice and … Read More

European Investment Authority

After Corona, large-scale investment will be necessary to transition the European economy towards sustainability and resilience. How can we ensure that this investment takes place effectively, at the required scale, and with sufficient democratic oversight? To these ends, a dedicated entity could be created: a European Investment Agency (EIA). Its mission would be to plan, finance, and oversee the reconfiguration … Read More

Democratically Embedded Central Banking

DEZERNAT ZUKUNFT During the immediate Corona crisis, the European Central Bank was able to act quickly and decisively to stabilise financial markets, including those for government bonds. Its formal independence from democratic decision-making made its response faster than any other EU institution. However, monetary policy is inherently political, with important distributional and power-political consequences, as the German Constitutional Court’s recent … Read More

Democratically Embedded Central Banking

During the immediate Corona crisis, the European Central Bank was able to act quickly and decisively to stabilise financial markets, including those for government bonds. Its formal independence from democratic decision-making made its response faster than any other EU institution. However, monetary policy is inherently political, with important distributional and power-political consequences, as the German Constitutional Court’s recent ruling in … Read More

Boosting Monetary Policy Capacity

State-backed emergency lending schemes have been among the most important tools for supporting small and medium enterprises during the Corona crisis. Examples include PPP in the US, CBILS in the UK, KfW-guaranteed loans in Germany, or BPI-guaranteed loans in France. However, even though most states quickly moved to guarantee 100% of eligible loans, banks often remained hesitant to extend new credit. Similar problems of non-lending in the aftermath of 2008 were addressed … Read More

Strengthening the Secondary Mandate

Swift interventions by the European Central Bank (ECB) have stemmed market pressures and credit crunches throughout the early period of the current crisis. However, monetary policy is wielded with little regard to the social and ecological crises Europe and the world are facing. The statutory independence of the ECB notwithstanding: it is within the powers of the political authorities of … Read More

Neutral policies are not fair policies

The pandemic has highlighted and exacerbated a number of inequities that require urgent addressing, both in the post-COVID recovery packages and, most importantly, in the structural changes that come after Corona. The focus of this collection is on reorienting macro-financial policies towards resilience, sustainability, and democracy. But as recent events have made clear: no justice, no peace. In the long- … Read More

14 Ideen für die Zeit nach Corona: Teil 2

DEZERNAT ZUKUNFT Teil 1 der Übersetzung finden Sie hier Im zweiten Teil der deutschen Übersetzung präsentieren wir vier Vorschläge, wie man das Zentralbankwesen in Europa demokratischer gestalten könnte: Das Sekundär-Mandat der EZB stärken Preisstabilität neu definieren Der Geldpolitik neuen Schub verleihen Vertragsänderungen für eine demokratisch legitimierte Geldpolitik 1. Das Sekundär-Mandat der EZB stärken Rasche und gezielte Interventionen der Europäischen Zentralbank … Read More

14 Ideen für die Zeit nach Corona: Teil 1

DEZERNAT ZUKUNFT Im März dieses Jahres hat das Dezernat Zukunft ein Forum ins Leben gerufen, um über langfristige, strategische Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten im Kontext der Coronakrise nachzudenken. Von April bis Juni 2020 haben in diesem Rahmen etwa 30 Expert:innen[1] aus Wissenschaft und Politik über Herausforderungen und mögliche Lösungsansätze für die Zeit nach COVID-19 nachgedacht. Die Ergebnisse dieser Diskussionen wurden damals … Read More


AfterCorona is a collection of 14 ideas for deep, structural economic-policy change in Europe for the time after Corona. Dezernat Zukunft collaborated with a group of 33 economists and political scientists over the past 10 weeks to identify structural problems caused or highlighted by Covid-19, and to develop policy proposals for addressing them. The collection includes proposals on financial governance, … Read More

How to internationalize a currency— Steffen Murau interviewed by Dezernat Zukunft, Part 2

By Mathis Richtmann Steffen Murau (@steffenmurau) is political economist and researcher at Global Development Policy Center at Boston University. Part 1 of the interview is available here Are currencies competing with each other? Is the Euro a competitor of the US-Dollar? Let’s remember: the former EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker explicitly called for an internationalization of the Euro. There is … Read More

Privatized global money: The US-Dollar and the international monetary system — Steffen Murau interviewed by Dezernat Zukunft, Part 1

By Mathis Richtmann  Steffen Murau (@steffenmurau) is political economist and researcher at Global Development Policy Center of Boston University. The current structure of the global economy is often associated with a “dominance of the US-Dollar”. What do you make of this term? We have established names for various historical regimes in the international monetary system, such as the Gold Standard … Read More

Kommentar zum PSPP-Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgericht vom 5.5.2020

DEZERNAT ZUKUNFT Das Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVerfG) hat in einem überraschenden Urteil das Ankaufprogramm für Staatsanleihen (PSPP) des Eurosystems für teilweise verfassungswidrig erklärt. In seiner Urteilsbegründung verlangt das BVerfG, dass der EZB-Rat in einem neuen Beschluss nachvollziehbar darlegt, dass die mit dem PSPP angestrebten währungspolitischen Ziele nicht außer Verhältnis zu den damit verbundenen wirtschafts- und fiskalpolitischen Auswirkungen stehen. Falls der EZB-Rat dies … Read More

Vorfall virtueller Stammtisch vom 30.04.2020

DEZERNAT ZUKUNFT An Alle, die am 30.04.2020 an unserer Videokonferenz teilgenommen haben: Wir entschuldigen uns sehr für das Vorgefallene, Anzeige ist erstattet. Für Informationen und verfügbare Hilfsangebote emailt uns an

Zentralbankkooperation funktioniert – für manche

MATHIS RICHTMANN Zentralbanken wie die EZB, die Federal Reserve oder die Bank of England kümmern sich im Allgemeinen um die Geldmärkte in ihrem jeweiligen Zuständigkeitsbereich. Sie stellen den Banken und Finanzakteuren Liquidität zur Verfügung, um etwaigen Finanzierungsstress zu mildern und so zu verhindern, dass aus Liquiditätsengpässen Solvenzprobleme entstehen. In einer Krise wird dies als “Lending of Last Resort” bezeichnet und geht auf die Regel des Finanzjournalisten Walter Bagehot zurück, in Krisen “frei zu verleihen, zu einem … Read More

Die Internationale Rolle des Euros redux

DEZERNAT ZUKUNFT Heute beginnt die Münchener Sicherheitskonferenz 2020. Ein Thema, das auf der Konferenz im Mittelpunkt stehen wird und bereits in den letzten Wochen und Monaten viel diskutiert wurde ist die internationale Rolle des Euros. Siehe zum Beispiel dieses Dossier aus der FT von letztem Dezember, dieses Interview mit Valdis Dombrovskis, Vizepräsident und Kommissar für Wirtschaft in der Europäischen Kommission, … Read More

Wie weiter mit dem Euro? DZ Panel bei Der nächste Crash als Chance

DEZERNAT ZUKUNFT Am 7.2.2020 veranstaltete das Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik die Konferenz Der nächste Crash als Chance—Szenarien und Reformpotentiale. Die Tagung versammelte ca. zweihundert Teilnehmer aus Forschungs-, Regierungs-, Wirtschafts-, Journalismus- und Zivilgesellschaftskreisen in Berlin, die zusammen diskutierten, wie auf die nächste Krise reagiert werden könne und wie diese genutzt werden könnte, um das Geld- und Finanzsystem in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit, Gerechtigkeit, und … Read More

Grant from Open Philanthropy & Mathis Richtmann as new CEO of Dezernat Zukunft

For the board of directors, Max Krahé We are delighted to announce that Open Philanthropy decided this past December to support Dezernat Zukunft with a grant of €91.000. Currently run by volunteers, Dezernat Zukunft is using these funds to hire a full-time staff person, boosting our organisational and communicative capacity. Open Philanthropy identifies outstanding giving opportunities, makes grants, follows their … Read More

Dienstleistungen: Die Zukunft des internationalen Handels?

DEZERNAT ZUKUNFT Trade in Services – worum geht es und wie wichtig ist das Ganze? Spätestens seit Trumps Wahlsieg 2016 steht der Freihandel auf dem Prüfstand wie lange nicht mehr. Und da nach dem Brexit gestern nun die Verhandlungen der zukünftigen EU-UK Handelsbeziehungen beginnen dürfte die Frage des Freihandels auch in Zukunft im Rampenlicht stehen. Im Zentrum dieser Debatten finden … Read More

To green or not to green? Das ist hier die Frage

DEZERNAT ZUKUNFT Die europäische Notenbankerszene hat eine Debatte: Soll die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) Klimarisiken in ihr Rahmenwerk übernehmen, und wenn ja, wie? Die Präsidentin der EZB Christine Lagarde hat bereits erklärt, dass sie den Klimawandel für „mission critical“ hält und das Rahmenwerk für die geldpolitische Implementierung daher bei der kommenden strategischen Überprüfung anpassen möchte.[1] Diese Äußerung hat insbesondere bei den … Read More