
24. September. 2020


20:00 - 21:10

Open House Webinar with Matthew Klein (Economics Commentator at Barron’s)

Title: Trade wars are class wars

Guest: Matthew Klein / Economics Commentator at Barron’s

Moderator: Mathis Richtmann

Description: After our summer break, we want to kick things off with our next DZ live on 24th September (8 pm-9 pm). This time, we will be (digitally) joined by Matthew Klein, the economics commentator at Barron’s. Matthew recently published Trade Wars are Class Wars (with Michael Pettis) where they describe the effects of rising within-country inequality on global trade.

How did Corona change global economic architecture? How is Germany’s economic model impacting other countries? Are governments still able to pursue independent economic policies? These are some of the questions on the agenda this time.


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