EMPN Conference Vienna
Guests: Jakob von Weizsäcker, Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Philippa Sigl-Glöckner, Helena Schuberth und weitere
Venue: Technisch-Gewerbliche Abendschule (TGA), Hörsaal, Bauteil B, 4. Stock Plösslgasse 13, 1040 Wien
Registration & Program: https://wiiw.ac.at/e-640.html
Description: This event will address urgent questions on how fiscal policy in Europe can contribute to addressing economic, ecological and social challenges. How much and what kind of climate investment do we need to meet the climate targets? What kind of reform of EU fiscal rules can ensure that fiscal sustainability is not played off against economic, social and climate goals? How should policymakers manage public debt in the context of climate change? Answers to these questions will be discussed with experts and policymakers, including keynote presentations by Jakob von Weizsäcker, Minister of Finance of Saarland, on climate investment, and Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Director of the Brussels think tank Bruegel, on reforming EU fiscal rules.
The conference will be livestreamed on Dezernat Zukunft’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@dezernatzukunft